Hi, I'm Jodi! I’m an artist and designer based in Southern California. I’ve always considered myself a dreamer, creator, and idealist. I believe there is beauty in everything around us and try to use my own experiences and interests to tell stories and brings ideas to life. I share my artwork and designs hoping that it will speak to others and make them smile.
I have experience from my time as a Disneyland sketch artist where I created Disney character sketches to order and had the honor of creating magical and memorable experiences for each guest. During my time as a sketch artist, I had the privilege of designing new sketches of Disney and Pixar characters, and sketches of iconic locations within the theme park for the Disney sketch program. I treasure my memories and time as a sketch artist, but my experience as a creator extends both before and after my time with Disney.
For as long as I can remember, I have been drawing and creating to my hearts content. I would draw on napkins at restaurants, receipt tape, cardboard, and anything I was allowed to since I was young. I was constantly writing stories and poems about unique characters and whimsical worlds. There was and still is no limit on my creativity and aspirations for the future.
I am currently pursuing my degree in Graphic Design, with a minor in organizational communication, and I will complete my final course this Fall (2021). I have maintained a 4.0 throughout my time at Bellevue university, and I am on track to graduate Summa Cum Laude. 
I love combining my passions for art and design to come up with unique solutions for each and every project. Learning and trying new things is a big part of who I am and I am excited to continue the never ending quest for knowledge after graduation. I am currently growing my skills as an independent artist and designer while actively seeking out new work opportunities in the art and design field. 
In my personal work, I am entering into the world of picture books. I am happy to share I have a final manuscript locked in and I am in the process of designing characters and storyboarding the layout and illustrations. I can't share too much just yet, but my goal is to self publish my book by the end of 2021. This has been a dream of mine since I was young, and working on this project has brought me so much joy.
Thanks for stopping by! If you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hi,  you are welcome to follow my social media, visit my Etsy shop, or send me an e-mail.
About My Logo
Designing a logo for myself was quite the task. I wanted something that was simple, but represented me well, and found it was not an easy thing to do at first. Eventually I came up with a solution I loved! My logo is made up of four elements, which just so happens to be my favorite number! Each one has a purpose and meaning that is important to who I am as a person. My logo is made up of the letter J, the letter H, a paperclip, and a heart. 
The Letter J
This one should seem pretty straight forward; my name is Jodi and starts with a J. But, there's more to it than that. Growing up, I always disliked how the letter J looked and was determined to find a style of the letter that I found appealing. My version of the letter J in my initials takes inspiration from a treble clef. I grew up doing musical theatre and have a strong love and appreciation for music. I love how it can evoke such strong and beautiful emotions, and my experience as a singer and performer is a big part of who I am.
The Letter H
Another seemingly straight forward component in my logo is the letter H. The J is whimsical and creative, while the H is simpler and more structured. The J focuses on fun and joy, while the H focuses on something I often consider a flaw in myself: perfectionism. I have often brought stress onto myself trying to make designs perfect, but over time I've learned how to navigate this stress better and use it as a tool to focus on the details in every task. The straight lines represent my perfectionist tendencies and balance out the creative half of me. Design takes both logic and creativity, and I wanted to incorporate this into my initials since it also defines who I am. 
To some, a paperclip is simply an office supply that clips paper together, but I've always been particularly fond of them because they represent so much more to me. For me, a paperclip is a symbol of creativity. It is far more than its name suggests. Sure, it clips paper together, but with enough creativity and imagination, it can become so much more: a zipper, an ornament hanger, a guitar pick, a tool to dye easter eggs, jewelry, a bookmark, a reset button tool, a lock pick, and so much more. The idea of "functional fixedness," is associated with many things; we often assume the name of an item describes everything it can do, but a paper clip is a great example of something that combats this idea of "functional fixedness," and instead pushes the boundaries of innovation. 
The heart is the final touch I added to my logo. I am a very passionate person who enjoys liking things and spreading positivity. I care about my friends and family, the planet and all who inhabit it, as well as the work I do. I believe in kindness and work hard to value the people and world around me. This encourages me to always create with care and make a positive impact on anyone and everyone I can. 

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